In order to offer its customers broad coverage, Tri Qualité Service is launching its new franchise network concerning automatic sorting subcontracting.
GMS assemblage is the first company to join us in this new project. This company, located in Gisors (Île-de-France), already specializes in assembly, packaging and quality control in multiple sectors of activity (automotive, electronics, cosmetics…).
As part of the franchise, at the end of September, GMS received 2glass plate machines designed and manufactured in France at the TQS headquarters in Marignier.
The automatic sorting machines have been set up and checked by TQS’s teams.
Special support was provided on the training and use of these machines in accordance with the KEEPSO quality standard of Tri Qualité Service.
Please contact TQS Île-de-France for your automatic sorting services using machine vision.
TQS Île-de-France
8 route de Boisgeloup
27140 Gisors – France